Tuesday, March 25, 2008



April 22 will mark the date of the Pennsylvania primary. This is going to be an important primary as this is a delegate rich state. This is going to be a difficult state for the candidates to win. As this has a small Black population but a Black mayor of Philadelphia, where it give Barack Obama the advantage. But since it is a delegate rich state it gives Clinton the advantage by pattern, as she has been winning all of the delegate rich states. According to USA TODAY Hillary Clinton is backed up by three political powers in that state, surprisingly by the Mayor of Philadelphia. Other supporters include, Gov. Ed Rendell and Rep John Murtha. On the Obama side Rep, Chaka Fattah and Rep. Patrick Murphy. Sen. Bob Casey is currently uncommitted.

This is an important state as this also can take out any other remaining candidates that do not win. So many will be tuning in to see mainly whether this will be another straight win for the Obama Campaign and the end of Clinton’s or another change of fate and a win for Clinton.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Do you think that a win for Clinton will affect any of the super delegates?